Sensing Fields, LLC
Sensing Fields, LLC
Trauma and Chronic Stress: Impacts on the Mental, Social, Emotional, and Physical energies. AND this pattern is changeable. It's why we need resourcing tools (GROUNDING, and how to notice Cues of Safety and glimmers (moments we normally may not notice, but when we are present and mindful, we begin to notice times (even if rare and short) that we feel "all is well".
Energy of remaining in a consistent state of perceived Danger and Threat is always draining energy by protecting us from history of becoming THAT overwhelmed ever again. Because of the nature of trauma, we create patterns of our early childhood experiences, leading to how we connect, to self, to other, to safety, to love. No matter where you are in life, NEUROPLASTICITY IS Possible for you.
Sensing Fields will show you how to retune you nervous system through a particular lens, and at your pace, bring regulation into your system.

Educational, Socioemotional, Somatic, and Neurophysiological and School Performance
Coaching & Consulting
Wondering why such a wide range?It doesn't matter who you are, humans evolution has created reflexive defensive protective and adaptive strategies to survive. Childhood, Repeated or Single Trauma, Cause, similar to chronic severe stress reactions, a need to COPE in order to literally survive [something is that overwhelming to a baby, that without the dorsal shutdown, including fainting and also what an opossum does when it faces a mortal threat (as we say, it 'plays' dead)].

Whether you are an individual interested in your own support, an executive who would like to bring healing and self-regulation into your workplace, or if you are a teacher, parent, or anyone else working with children or teens...
Bringing Co-Regulative practices into your spaces can change EVERYTHING, the space is gentle, playful, and relaxing, the environment, the rooms offer your nervous system and the ANS of everyone you connect with.
Using direct access points into our nervous system is possible:
Tools to Change our State
creating plan to bring in VENTRAL (often parasympathetic) Energy, to move into new hybrid and fluid states
Polyvagal Informed Practices of mind-body connection
Safe & Sound Protocol &
Integrated Listening Systems
Self Havening & Havening Touch

Guidance, Support, Coaching, and Consulting: Return to SAFETY
Polyvagal Inspired Tools: Polyvagal Programs by UNYTE-iLs for Learning and Nervous System repatterning, so that we feel SAFE ENOUGH to become (Re-)Embodied. This allows and is born from connect with others, and our body, allowing us to connect with emotions, reduce fear of turning towards our own patterns, which bring us out of our adaptive survival patterns into a much clearer mind.
Is life and your daily struggles getting you down,with old coping is keeping you stuck? You know, the thing [relationship difficultes, emplyment and low wages, financial struggles crises around the world, our division and hatred, biases and social injustice], or maybe it is bullying, academic problems, and our feelings of overwhelm, disorganized, jealousy, grief anger, rage, distraction, disocialtion, drinking and drigs, or maybe you are not managing emotions easily and they are causing scary throughts, unwanted and impulsive behaviors.
Simply put, if you are having problems in areas of your life, such as relationships, motivation, regulation and ability to find glimmerss of hope and awe, freedom and joy, as we work, play. Perhaps you are a parent of a dysregulated child who is not learning. because our thinking [PREFRONTAL CORTEX] skills plummet once we feel judged, afraid, angry, or any other reaction, strong enough to Pull MORE energy directed at the fight, flight, freeze, appease, avoid, numb. down so that we are preparidng due to emotions and thoughts, Sensing Fields, LLC has answers.
We you to a vast variety of tools to improve your life and transform how you and your loved ones feel!
With appropriate guidance, we can all become more present, connected, compassionate, and forgiving. We do this through a combination of tools, programs for self regulation, Polyvagal activities, vagal toning exercises, EFT, art and music & movement, creative writing, and other groups that will occur depending on interest.
Our capacity for compassion, for ourselves aws well as others is how we can REMEMBER.
According to Dr. Porges, We have developed adaptive patterns that cause us to respond to threats by using adaptive defensive patterns. Experiences in early life that are perceived as a threat to survival or experienced as traumatic can cause adaptive and protective aspects of defense for our systems can lead to a lack of embodied (or sensed) safety. Some of us hold patterns for particular reactiveness that causes 'us vs them' and 'othering'. Often, these patterns create isolation, division and judgment (and jealousy, hate, violence, war) .... until we intentionally Remember...HUMANITY.
Life can become easier and easier, as we develop a sense of Curiosity and Compassion. These qualities tend to quiet shame, allow us to FORGIVE ourSelfs and each other.
We continue to learn more about the nervous system, natural phenomena, the universe, as well as the brain & Polyvagal-Informed practices. And the more we learn, the more possibilities are revealed, & the more we heal.
Unleash Your Potential
Transformation Made Simple
What's holding you back?
Supervision & Consultation - LCSW Hours, For All Therapists
Mindfulness + Breathwork
Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)
Integrated Listening System
TWO LCSWs who are also PEL Social Workers,
PLUS Access to our Training Program
Unleash Your Potential

Are You reactive, defensive, anxious, or suffer from chronic health or mental health issues? I invite you to read on...

Welcome to Our Pathway Befriending Embodied a journey into safe 'enough', where our passion is to guide you as YOU shift your system in ways that move stuck stressors/that have caused discomfort, dysregulation, physical illness. First we learn through Mindful Compassion Based Presence, to notice, name and build new, more healthy, comfortable, pro-social and curious neuropathways. We use scientifically valid protocols, including non-clinical forms of IFS (parts of us), and new forms of understanding the ways teachers can be hugely rewarded by bringing compassion and curiosity to talk to a dysregulated kid, knowing the behavior is not a kid trying to misbehave; rather, it is the way that particular kid has learned to ensure survival at some point. As kids are understood, their capacity changes, they learn, and they share some of the social emotional learnings with parents, benefiting communities.
Relational safety is important, especially when working with a coach, therapist or other healthcare or educational provider. Whether 7 years old, or 77, we need to be regulated enough to use energy . That means when we are feeling upset, bullied, activated, when we are in a freeze response, sympathetic overload, or sense that someone is feeling defensive or other strong emotions that we interpret is directed at us, our defenses go up, and our energy is engaged for flee, fight, freeze. NOT for thinking...
The ILS is a listening therapy that improves brain and body function by combining music and movement, harnessing the power of neuroplasticity. Specially treated music, delivered through air and bone conduction headphones, provides sensory input to the brain and body. The listener then receives additional sensory and motor input for body organization by engaging in a wide range of movement activities that are customizable for all levels and ages. The ILS is based on the fact that we can change our brain at any age. Similar to building strength and endurance with physical exercise, we are able to build neurological pathways and synaptic activity through specific and repeated stimulation, a concept known as neuroplasticity that is the foundation of the science behind the ILS.
We don't pay attention or listen actively to others
We don't pat attention to our own bodies to know what they are yearning for.
We have a much harder time being part of a team, because it may not be fair; Maybe we won't have recognition.
We come from defenses and adaptive over-reactions, under-reactions, and misperception.
We tend to feel victimized - and let people know our true activation or boredom, through micromovements, such as a slightly downward edge to our smile...mismatched social cues and how we mean and would like to come across to others.
when we are not regulated...
start now!